Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Real Sooopa Tuesday

When I needed to get my mind off the frustration of CNN's politics on this reckless Super Tuesday, I found the real reason that made today soooopa:

These guys released a new album.....

Nada Surf is prolly one of my favorite bands, and I am so stoked over their new album "Lucky." It's my high-energy, quirky, feel-good rock. It just makes me really happy. I stamp this album again and again with the utmost approval. check it.

 They are also goin on tour soon, but it doesn't look like they are coming to Utah. bummer. Oh well. But here's me expressing my excitement on my photobooth...

beautiful beat.


Megan said...

Tricia said...

This is Tricia...not Chase. I can tell from your blog that you are a writer-you are always cracking me up- AMEN to the frustration of SUPER Tuesday. I thought nothing could let me down after I got my sticker for voting, but then evening came...

By the way, the pictures on the side of your blog are look way good!