Thursday, November 10, 2011


Turns out, our friends have some pretty sweet hook-ups for cabin homes up in sundance, and they thought us cool enough to invite for a little weekend getaway in mountain paradise. This is actually our second trip up to sundance with our friends--the first time was a luxury, 5-bedroom cabin with a sauna, indoor pool, hot tub, and bidet (which i wasn't brave enough to use). This time was a little less luxury, but still a cozy 5-bedroom cabin in the mountains. And this time, we had an N64 with Mario Kart and Goldeneye + all the Hot-N-Readies we could handle. Plus, we got to see our friends' band, Archer's Apple, play at the Owl Bar.

Here's a little taste of their music. . .

Despite the fact that our drive down the mountain was almost a catastrophe (SO MUCH ICE!!! we got really lucky. . .) it was a lovely time-- full of friends, pizza, and the gorgeous sundance scenery. it was perfect little holiday.


Megan said...

That looks like a lot of fun!!

Jacob Robinson said...

Lucky is an understatement. It was a miracle!!

leean robinson said...

Okay. I guess dad and I did not tell Jacob enough horror stories and close calls about driving in icy/snowy/coldddd conditions. I could go on but I will save that for another time. Thank goodness you are both alright! But the weekend looks like it was fun except for the end.