Tuesday, November 27, 2012


 Doesn't matter if it was released in the 1950s or 2012I'm a sucker for these kinds of songs.
blues + soul will never be uncool. 

I'm feeling a little late on this one. This is one of those bands that I kept hearing about, but never took the time to listen tountil now. And wow. Why didn't somebody tell me that I would LOVE this album? Bluesy. Soulful. Fun. Powerful female vocals. I really enjoyed every track. I stamp it again and again with my stamp of approval.*

p.s. So the big reason I finally listened to this album is because I'm trying to listen to as many albums on THIS LIST as I can before the year ends. And whaddayaknow? It was #2. What I want to know is if there are albums that need to be added to this list (mostly ones that have been released since June) or that I should skip (cuz yeah, I'm probably not gonna get through half of these). I value your suggestions... if you have them.

*I seriously wish I had a real "stamp of approval"

1 comment:

Amber Marie said...

i don't have any music suggestions. but your baby bump is A-dorable! i think that black dress will survive another couple weeks. i love wearing non-maternity tighter clothes as the bump gets bigger because when else can you show off a protruding tummy?! wait till 20 weeks...it seems like for most girls that is when you see teh "pop" and you'll know what I mean when it happens.

keep up the pictures. you will regret it if you don't. i have rarely taken pictures but always regret it.